OVER-21 Course

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The concept for this diorama depicts two Z'Gok Mobile suits returning to their underwater base after a battle. They are traveling through a water portal and into the base.
Both master grades were painted inside and out using Mr. Hobby lacquer paints. I used a pre shading technique to achieve more depth and detail, and then weathered the kits using a stippling technique with black, silver, and rust colors. Multiple areas were also detailed to achieve a battle-damaged look while keeping the structural integrity of the mobile suit intact and believable.
After the kits were completed, I built the structure of the portal using Bandai Hangar parts and Bandai 1/100 figures, which were also painted and detailed using various modeling techniques. I wired animated LED and static lights into the hangar and hid the wires. I also used sculptimold to make the ocean floor and used various paints to achieve a believable look for the sand. The hangar parts were weathered in a similar fashion to the Z'Gok kits.
Once the structure was completed, I secured the models to the base of the diorama with screws and turned the model on its back. Two-part epoxy resin was poured into the custom-made mold which encompassed the hangar.
After curing I sanded and polished the resultant block of resin to a smooth glass finish and built a custom wrap out of PLA plate. The parts were pre-shaded and weathered as well with rust effects.
More LEDs were added to one of the figures leading the first Z'Gok into the hangar and all the wiring was routed to an on off switch in the back.
The base of the diorama is scratch built from 1/4 inch MDF.